Cisco – PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python

Cisco Networking Academy

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Designed as easy to understand and beginner-friendly course focusing on various data collections, manipulation tools, logic and bit operations and creating basic REST APIs.


Learn Python, the Language for IoT

How great would it be to write your own computer program? Or, design a web or desktop application that millions of people could enjoy? Both are possible if you learn to code in Python. Python is the very versatile, object-oriented programming language used by startups and tech giants, Google, Facebook, Dropbox and IBM. Python is also recommended for aspiring young developers who are interested in pursuing careers in Security, Networking and Internet-of-Things. Once you complete this course, you are ready to take the PCAP – Certified Associate in Python programming certification exam. No prior programming knowledge required.

You’ll Learn These Core Skills:

  • Problem-solve using an algorithmic approach.
  • Understand programmer’s work in the software development process.
  • Gain knowledge on how a program is executed in a computer environment.
  • Prepare for the PCAP–Python Certified Associate Programmer Certification.

Lingue: Inglese

Ore di studio: 70

Livello: Intermediate

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